Sunday, September 14, 2008

Journalism Experience Fits With Web Content

Back when I was a reporter freelancing for various papers back in the 1980s, I had no idea that the training and experience I was getting would lead me eventually to another freelancer career as a web content writer. Writing blogs and articles for the web is a lot like writing for a newspaper or magazine. You need to meet tight deadlines and produce a body of work that is accurate and professional.

The thing I like best about being a copywriter for the Internet is being able to use those skills that I learned as a reporter. It's a personal pleasure to consistently turn out blogs and articles that are a cut above the norm that's out there today. Take a look at the portfolio section on my site or email me through the contact section on this page and I can show you how using a professional content writer is the right choice.

1 comment:

L. Shepherd said...

That's what I'm always saying- it's just like my reporter days in keeping the work turning around quickly and on time. Web content writers who don't develop that skill don't last long.