Sunday, September 14, 2008

Journalism Experience Fits With Web Content

Back when I was a reporter freelancing for various papers back in the 1980s, I had no idea that the training and experience I was getting would lead me eventually to another freelancer career as a web content writer. Writing blogs and articles for the web is a lot like writing for a newspaper or magazine. You need to meet tight deadlines and produce a body of work that is accurate and professional.

The thing I like best about being a copywriter for the Internet is being able to use those skills that I learned as a reporter. It's a personal pleasure to consistently turn out blogs and articles that are a cut above the norm that's out there today. Take a look at the portfolio section on my site or email me through the contact section on this page and I can show you how using a professional content writer is the right choice.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

All Your Copywriting Needs Under One Roof

I'm Robert Starr and I've been writing and editing for over 20 years now. I've got several books of my own published and I'm very familiar with writing and installing blogs and articles as well as article distribution. Have a look at the link on the sidebar or the one below. Either will carry you to my website where you can have a look at what I can do to help you with your keyword rankings.
